Category | Topics |
ConsensusDiscussion about the consensus mechanism and rules used in Bitcoin Cash blockchain system to achieve the necessary agreement on a single state of the network among distributed processes and/or multi-agent systems.
TechnicalDiscussion about Bitcoin Cash technical aspects not related to consensus and/or protocol.
BIPsThis category is included for informational purposes only and given the shared history between Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Core implementations.
It is part of the initiative to experiment and learn about BIPs mechanisms and identify if it is relevant to apply them to CHIPs, with all the case modifications. This forum does not participate or discuss aspects specific to Bitcoin Core implementation’s development. |
AdoptionDiscussion about Bitcoin Cash adoption lifecycle as electronic peer-to-peer cash system in reference to demographic and psychological characteristics of defined adopter groups and/or society as a whole.
RandomDiscussion about Bitcoin Cash topics that do not fit any current category in use.
Network DiscussionsFor the use of Bitcoin Cash Network Discussions initiative.
TokensDiscussion about Bitcoin Cash tokens, including but not limited to their types, features, and criteria.
AdministrationDiscussion about Bitcoin Cash Research website, its organization and structure, how it serves to the ecosystem, and how we can improve it.
ProtocolDiscussion about Bitcoin Cash network protocol and its behaviour among the several software clients.